
I'm actually currently a Game Art student, and my entire first year (and much of my upcoming second year) involves Foundations and Core classes - and that includes things like Life Drawing 1 and 2, both of which puts a *heavy* emphasis on anatomy. It's one thing to have stylized drawings - but they have to start

It was pretty cool, up until that Layden guy came on. Everything at that point felt like it came to a screeching halt. I liked Microsoft's press conference much more, to be honest. Ubisoft's was good, too. If I had to rank them, I think it'd be Microsoft, then Ubisoft/Sony, then EA, 'cause EA has never really

They announced a while ago that you didn't have to have it plugged in, if you didn't want to. You also could just turn it off, whether it was plugged in or not.

I didn't think folks like you still existed :P

You're the only rude one here, as far as I can see!

Yeah, episodes 3-6 of Book 3 were leaked, and from what I've heard, they're absolutely *amazing*. I watched episode 3, even though my Spanish is terrible. Even being unable to understand most of it, I really enjoyed it :3

Ah, wow, there were a TON of spoilerific Book 3 leaks, today! If you're interested, you can read them here. I personally just read the episode titles and looked at the screenshots, but I think in the comment thread for the screenshots, there's a link to some released episodes as well. I'm gonna wait until they're

Yeah! Hopefully they'll release Book 3 soon, and I think they're a decent way into Book 4 as well.

I agree, my favourite game in the whole series is Birth by Sleep. That game just got so many things right, I loved it.

Actually, it was only the first season where they weren't sure if there would be others. Mid-way through season 1 they approved the other 3 books, which is why Book 2 backtracks a little to get things in order for the following books. The creators even referred to Book 2 as kind of the second half of Book 1, so most

You should definitely watch the rest of Book 2. The first couple of episodes were a little iffy, yeah, but from 7 and 8 (Beginnings, parts 1 and 2) onward, it is absolutely amazing.

Accepted is a bit of a subjective term. Really depends on where you are.

Hehe, it was mostly meant as a joke xP It wasn't that their voice actors are bad, I was alluding to the stereotype that the Japanese are pervs and like their characters young (Bravely Default comes to mind), and when hearing a human voice come from a life-like animal is already creepy, I can't imagine what it'd be

I dunno, considering the Japanese, something tells me it'd only be worse.

I'm a furry, and I find this to be rather creepy as fuck, haha. Talking animals are fine if they're done right...otherwise, it's just cringe-worthy.

The thing is, though, the "original" English spelling isn't any more original than the current standard of spelling in the US. While I've seen speculation that modern American English is actually closer in spelling and grammar to English of the 18th century (which I do find rather suspect), even if that were true, it

I always get a lot of flak (admittedly, over absolutely nothing) from my English friends (and only English) about the whole language thing, disregarding the fact that English as spoken in the US just happened to evolve differently than English did in the UK - there's no precedence or any such thing, as many of my

I remember, back in...9th? 10th grade, was it? (Only four, maybe almost five or six years ago, haha). I went on a field trip to this place down on Wilshire where G-4 was stationed at (alongside E! and some news channel). Touring the sets and all that was really fun, I still have tons of pics from it. We wound up

Haha, it's not a game, it's some funny skit-type animation thing from CollegeHumor.