
Anybody here read The Windup Girl... *shivers*

I got to see Alphaville in a really cool theater. It was very surreal.

Weeds is back too. and Merlin is also back.

I wonder what the weight limit is? I can't imagine it is very sturdy. Great concept though.

"What can it do that Nintendon't"

Vote: Hollywood?

TO: The Commenter's

Coming to a theater near you! Al Gore's "Bearmanpig"

@Jesse Astle: Now, thanks to you, Fremen are forever going to be associated with Jehovah Witness's in my mind. ugh.

@Andrew Liptak: I agree with you. That is why I brought it up. I am an avid reader of scifi and fantasy and I find it strange how people try to dissect these genre's - maybe - a little too much. Maybe if steampunk hadn't been separated away into it's own category, we wouldn't be so inundated with it right now.

@girlsaregeeks: The movie really represents nerd culture very well. You get to watch these socially awkward guys make some pretty rocking music. I just don't think it's something I would have on my I-Pod. I do think the new single is very funny though.

@Jesse Astle: Me neither, but it kind of makes you think though.

Ick. Whenever I hear a story about that place I cringe.

@dethwolf_x: There should be their. Also, it should read "I'm not a big fan". Sorry.

I really enjoyed the documentery that followed these guys around for one of there tours. Not big fan of the music though. Just a little too spoofy for me.

I've always thought of dune as more of a philosophical or dare I say it, religious novel.

One of my best friends has a wife who is not even close to being a geek. They seem to get into arguments every time he tries to tinker with something. Slowly but surely I think she is starting to come around. Besides the occasional small fire or minor electrocution, he generally improves the stuff they have. Marriage

I never thought I'd see the day when they would take something as innocuous as a water gun and turn it in to a weapon. I guess if it saves lives then its a good thing. But, really, deadly water guns? What's next? Lego missiles? I bet we could weapanize play-doh.

@OMG! Phong!: I was thinking more along the line of the world's best super soaker.