
Yes! I'm finally getting rewarded for my unwillingness to go to the dentist!

@Daveinva: I have a terrible cold, so I empathize with the really hurt.

I want a "forget me stick".

@casperiv: OK, maybe I'm not making myself clear. I am not suggesting anyone censors him. I agree 100% that he has the same rights that I do. If you choose to ignore him, then fine, that's your right. I, on the other hand, feel that its a good thing that people who have extreme views are exposed and analyzed.

@SEDAGIVE?!: I agree. I think making a death threat is one the most cowardly things a person can do. Unless they follow through with it...

@SEDAGIVE?!: I was trying to say that it's dangerous to ignore nut jobs. Bad, bad things happen. Many people are complaining about the media coverage, and I was merely trying to say that its a good thing that more people are aware that this prick exists.

@Hiphopopotamus: Yeah, just ignore the nazis. I'm sure they'll just go away.

I heart Felicia Day. Haven't played wow in months, but I might log in because of this.

Because you guys use the "Enhance" trope is the reason frequent your site.

@SinisterBill: I think you need to ask: Yeah, but did the have computers?

@Samuel Tecpaocelotl Castillo: They were wiped out in the same way many other cultures get wiped out. I understand that people get left behind and go on to found new communities. Come on dude, really? Wait, did I just get trolled?

@chadbeckwith: Just made a comment to that effect. Do you ever try to get them to spin around without falling? Hours and hours of fun.

I used to love doing this with almost empty cans of coke.

@phoghat: History is written by the ones that survive. Who knows what wiped these people out?

God's first eye has opened. It is only a matter of time before his second opens and he casts his gaze upon us. DoOm! Doom I tells ya.