
@matthewabel: I just read all the comments just to see if someone would mention this. It is a great series of books that never got the recognition they deserved.

Am I the only one who has fond memories of this thing?

I aspire to be... this.

Funding this research is like funding new ways to use a rotary telephone.

You know that episode where General Disarray keeps telling Captain Chaos that, "Simpsons did it" over and over. Substitute your readers for G.D. and Gizmodo for C.C.

@Coulter: For that I use an electron microscope. Even then I often get duped.

If they start making these, are we going to need microscopes to use them? Because I don't think that most people have one.

Whats the point of having a bunch of movies almost nobody wants to watch. Also, whats with all the almost porn on there... given that historically youtube been anti-porn. I don't get it. Is google gearing up to take on netflix?

@dethwolf_x: I really should proofread before I post.

Did a quick google search and found these article pretty informative.

I think this article might be "fishing" a little bit. Let's not analyze bad movies, thereby giving them more credence than they are worth.

Great episode. I was reading over the comments and noticed some unfavorable comparisons to family guy, and various other negative comments about the humor. I find it interesting that, while the show has a huge geek following, often the geeks don't find the funniest parts funny at all. Ah well. Comedy is subjective, so

I'm willing to bet that if the corporations that put the anti-piracy warnings on dvds actually could fry people in pans and break them on wheels they probably would.

I bet an ancient race of sentient beings are cranking out stars to power their incredibly advanced civilization.

@juan_ozuna: If you speed it up 800% it sounds just like justin bieber...

Sorry, but I don't get how this is relevant to this site...

This kind of thing usually distracts me from real life...

I'll take hearing loss over plastic bags becoming a permanent fixture in my environment any day.