Deter Pinklage

As long as Lindelof has nothing to do with it. I'm game.

Smokers in denial are the worst.

Apple never said they weren't going to pay music artists during the free trial.

Best NIN album ever. A true opus.

We're all suffering from zombie fatigue.

Where's King Shark?

My accent is fine. I get paid a lot of money for it.

Yeah when the blu-ray rip comes out.

This looks terrible. I'll be playing Arkham Knight instead of seeing this movie.

Lazy mashup.

White boy the movie. I'm glad it didn't win best picture.

Why Guy The Movie

At least they spelled "ho" right and not "hoe" which is a gardening tool.

It's sad when Hollywood has to dumb down American movie titles for Americans.

It's good to see him lose that weight. He was getting pudgy for a while.

Noam Chumpsky!

Title of the article should be re-titled "We ask 6 white celebrities to pick their favorite pop culture of 2014"

Yeah but has anyone gotten fired or lost their identity as a result? Nope.

Worse publicity stunt of the year. I'm still not going to see it.

It's all a publicity stunt. Sony is just testing out how popular bit torrent is.