Detective Plot Point

"Bucky?" "Ay?"

"Still awaiting"



Wow, deja vu

We all feel your pain

Both of you, kiss and make up.

11th Doctor: "It's a timey wimey thing."

I hope that's beer.

…the devil I don't!

"I'll take you to the bank, Senator Trent…the blood bank."

His TV stuff is great too. Dexter, Justified, Breaking Bad, Hannibal…

You're afraid of cops, but you're not man enough to confront them so you go after their kids.

Leave him alone, Mugsy

Why do you think they call it exposition?

They've got two Bugsy's now. Or did anyone else catch the cameo by George Moran?

Yeah but this season still had fun times with the nordic woman and the songbird. Plus some role-playing with Dunn Purnsley in the premiere.

Hey, wait a second hold on just a minute. Was Jimmy's bleached bones the only nudity we got in this episode?

Also, the sister shot J.R. And one season was a dream. And St. Elsewhere was a snow globe or something.

He decomposed the way he lived.