
In the future, humans are the sushi!

They truly failed to show a proper implementation of scientific method.

I'll always take dark rides over roller coasters. 

It took me awhile to realize the episode was NOT called “Ovulation.”

It did have some gems. The ending of "A Little Peace and Quiet" still haunts me. And "The Call" was a classic.

He is you.

Meanwhile, episodes of “Designing Women” have been pulled from syndication.

Everything’s a disappointment after “Seinfeld.” :-D

It definitely ranks among my favorite Twilight Zone episodes, including the original series. A haunting and heartwarming story about first love.

One of the few, truly awesome episodes of the 1980's Twilight Zone is “A Message from Charity,” which features a similar premise of two characters communicating telepathically (through the centuries, in that case).

Everett’s rapid-fire 1950's patter and unbearable smugness were so absolutely irritating to me that I had to turn this movie off within minutes. I might give it another chance but, wow, it's been awhile since a movie soured me that quickly.

Honestly, I heard what the finale was saying on an intellectual level but I didn’t FEEL it. Not like how I got choked-up, teary-eyed and blissfully happy during so many other beautiful moments during this show. I think I would have liked to have seen the meta nature more hinted at than shown, and for the series to

Yeah, I kind of wish the characters got a more upbeat ending scene (rather than being concerned when the boy showed up.) Then the finale could still have proceeded in its meta way and that would have been fine.

Your interpretation of the finale actually helped solidify if for me in a more meaningful, personal way. Thank you. I hope you find or have found whatever help you might need.

I think it’s interesting that we all naturally suspend our disbelief and feel a connection to TV characters we logically know are actors bringing a script to life. But when it happens within the show itself, suddenly it seems less real? I’ll admit to feeling the rug pulled out from me a bit in the final episode. But I

Remember that early episode when the obnoxious bar owner hit on Taffer’s wife? Oh ho, did fireworks fly!

Apparently it’s cheap to produce and continues to draw viewers, so I’d wager someone brings back COPS eventually.

I was sad to learn that Clark Gable’s grandson, who hosted the show, died of an overdose.

I’ve bawled so many times over this damned show. lol

“Die Another Day” has such an exciting and unconventional opening. Bond gets captured and tortured for months! That never happened before! Then it quickly swung back toward convention. I think think it was a fine and entertaining Bond film, not really deserving of all the disdain it recieves.