
So well said. Wish I could give you two stars!

I think Chibs just says, "We're doing this" and never stops to ask, "Why are we doing this?"

I NEVER liked The Cartmel Masterplan and hoped we’d never see it fully enacted. But I’d actually prefer The Doctor being a reincarnated but separate version of a founder of Gallifrey (The Other) than to have simply lived and forgotten previous lives as The Doctor due to a mind wipe. It undercuts the little we know

He just regurgitates previous plots and ineffectively delivers whatever original ideas he has. I’m seriously thinking I need to take a break from this show until Chibs leaves. So frustrated with a show I’ve loved all my life until now. This season has been at turns mediocre, embarrassing and dull, and Chibnall just

Was there any real point to this recon other than to give the Doctor a more diverse background? Pat yourself on the back, I guess, Chibs.

All season, I’ve been dreading how badly Chibnall is going to bungle his rewrite of the show’s lore. That’s anxiety, not the good kind of suspense. At least we’re only a few days away from seeing this finally come to pass, I guess.

If the finale includes a clumsy rewrite of Gallifrey’s and the Doctor’s history, it could be what finally makes me take a break from this show.

This episode just collapsed into a rushed, incomprehensible mess by its final act. This is starting to become a hallmark of the Chibnall era. 

Seinfeld” also used “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)“ in the lead-up to its finale. Man, that song is old.

They seem insistent on him being in China. Maybe he gets married and stays there?

Jeff knows Larry so well.

Real easy, now...

It’s more like he WANTS it to be a very special episode while lacking the skill to actually pull it off.

Yup, Graham is secretly the sharpest cardshark south of the Mason-Dixon line! Graham Maverick’s the name!

He certainly hasn’t earned any big changes. RTD redefined the series for a new generation. Moffat was an excellent storyteller (most of the time) and guided the show through it big anniversary, which allowed most of us to accept concepts like The War Doctor. Chibnall has told mostly mediocre stories to declining

She was “bullied” in a completely general sense, apparently.

I’d say go all aliens and leave out the mental health. Not every episode needs a big social message of the week. Especially with how ham-fisted this show often handles it.

I thought somebody had died. That whole plotline was opaque.

Same here. It came across as a lame pep talk and was treated as this huge moment at the end. Poor writing.

Her big speech to the aliens was just like a Matt Smith or David Tennant moment, only far less triumphant and exciting than it thought it was.