It’s kind of like Tony Soprano’s dreams pushing him toward what he already senses but doesn’t want to accept - that Big Pussy is working with the feds.
It’s kind of like Tony Soprano’s dreams pushing him toward what he already senses but doesn’t want to accept - that Big Pussy is working with the feds.
Poor Tyler Hoechlin. Not only was his Superman somewhat of an afterthought in Crisis, I’m less interested in his new show because I WANT MORE OF BRANDON ROUTH Superman!
I fully expected to see Luke’s Force Ghost tormenting Kylo Ren, so I’m glad the idea was at least tossed around.
“couldn’t at least one of the five slots in this category have gone to a female filmmaker instead of a glorified Martin Scorsese cosplayer?”
I breathed a sigh of relief when the monsters finally ate her.
So did Doctor Who, “The Stones of Venice.”
I guess we can imagine that humanity managed to fix the planet and return before it eventually was swallowed up by the sun.
The funny part is this episode WAS a Colin Baker story.
Her serious message was undermined by the quick cut to the hilarious, rubber-suited monster.
“Gather around, children...”
A ham-fisted analogy, just like this episode!
Then at the end, The Doctor basically says, “Start fixing climate change or else this happens...” and it cuts to the cheesy monster roaring; I couldn’t help but start laughing. Not the most effective way to convey an important message.
The Doctor excoriates anyone who uses guns to fight back against deadly monsters, yet goes easy on the dejected daughter who decides she is justified in blowing up an entire resort and killing everyone on it because her mommy left her. The moral disconnect here is frustrating.
What, hurt feelings DON’T justify mass murder??
Well, it was nice to see Ravolox again.
I was a bit surprised that the show was presenting Charles Babbage as a pretty decent guy until, of course, the writers suddenly shoehorned in a forced line of casual sexism. “Men, amirite?” The season is 2 for 2 so far, with Stephen Fry last episode. I should start lining up shot glasses.
Agreed, it was a technological shortcut that I found distracting.
It was such a frustrating writing choice to make The Mandalorian directly responsible, in the stupidest way, for Kuill’s death. Didn’t Mando realize that his call would likely be intercepted by the Empire? And then he kept contacting Kuill again and again? Mando had already sent Kuill off with Baby Yoda in a rush to…
The secret and cosmically damning frustration of being stuck behind someone using a walker... pure Larry David!