Oh man, this is so true. I was crushed by Anchorman 2. So highly anticipated, so tired and unfunny. The only good part for me was the News Anchor Battle Royale.
Oh man, this is so true. I was crushed by Anchorman 2. So highly anticipated, so tired and unfunny. The only good part for me was the News Anchor Battle Royale.
It bothers me that it has joined the seemingly daily rotation of Vacation movies on TV.
That and Step Brothers for me, although I try to only watch them once a year so I don’t burn out on them like that. I still laugh maniacally at both, especially Step Brothers.
I listened to U2, from “Boy” through “All That You Can’t Leave Behind,” so incessantly in my 20s that their music is a dreadful bore to me now whenever I try to revisit it. That bothers me, because I know it’s great, but I’m just burned out on U2. It doesn’t help that their albums over the last 19 years have not been…
I believe it was in “The Pre-History of The Far Side.”
MONOS, The Hands of Fate!
See, movies like this are why we still need Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Definitely true for series or movies you’ll rewatch. Now that “The Office” is leaving Netflix, I’m tempted to buy the series on DVD. As a bonus, you get all the deleted scenes.
Oh, look, they’re recreating cable TV with streaming.
I wasn't aware Maron asked him. Was this on his show?
Ah yes, I remember when Godzilla ruled the silent film era in 1926.
That scene in "The Pool Guy" where George is standing in front of a movie audience yelling venomously that he knows Jerry and friends are out there laughing at him - I relate to that level of social anxiety and frustration wayyy too much.
I hope to pour buckets of divine love all over someone this weekend.
Come on, you gotta have Ernie Hudson.
Uh, what about our existing iTunes libraries?
Maybe they’ll finally wise up and add the awesome opening credits sequence to every episode!
He better start hitting the gym if he’s going to fill out that batsuit.
No reason to live life otherwise!
I’m concerned for Lil Bub. Also 7, also has feline dwarfism.
Cats and dogs become part of our families and are such a constant, uncomplicated loving presence in our lives that it can truly crush you when they die. It’s tragic that their lives are so short.