This news hit me in the gut. Serious tears.
This news hit me in the gut. Serious tears.
Soo, think Disney is experiencing any regrets about handing Benioff and Weiss the keys to the Star Wars franchise?
I watch The Big Bang Theory each week and I enjoy it, but I can’t avoid this sense of an empty void at the heart of it.
Exactly. It’s always to talk about what a disappointment it’s perceived to be.
It was strange how much LOST captured the public imagination and now you rarely hear anything about it.
Hey, your loss, Alyssa.
I could be mis-remembering, but didn’t Will become a more serious character after he got engaged, with Carlton shouldering most of the silly stuff?
I wish Netflix would finally add that goddamned season of 60 min. Twilight Zone episodes. Just because they’re not as popular doesn’t mean I don’t want to see them.
Well, back to watching Cheers re-runs.
I have to give the producers credit for letting it be an ending without even teasing the next phase with a post-credits scene.
Exactly. With those more recent movies, I felt like the Marvel of the comic pages was starting to come to life.
It would be awesome if Marvel retains the vivid colors and imaginative designs of Kirby’s work.
It feels like a coda and I want to see it. But aside from Guardians of the Galaxy, nothing we know about Phase 4 excites me. With certain characters gone, it feels like the wind’s gone out of the sails.
Yes, and clearly he’s being set up as a new, Iron-Man-like mentor for Spider-Man. Just don’t be shocked if he turns out to be evil and all of the wacky stuff going on is part of his illusion.
Why couldn't Thanos have gotten more creative with the Infinity stones and used them to summon a giant dog to fight the Avengers?
Wow, I had no idea that was him!!
That’s about all you can see with MoviePass.
It’s like her Wookie pelt!
I’m confident that I could maintain the same level of quality that is present in the existing film.
I’d certainly be happy to spend a few months starring in a wacky beach blanket musical rather than sit at my desk and stare at spreadsheets. lol