
I like that idea a lot. However, it does detract from the idea of the Star Wars movies telling the saga of one family. It SEEMS like J.J. Abrams wants to bring it back to that perspective. There’s no reason that future movies can’t tell stories about other Jedi that aren’t Skywalkers.

Anyone else think one more movie is not enough to wrap up this story?

Was the villain Chevy Chase?

Kirk Jarrett and Melissa Millett, who worked with the cats on Pet Sematary and adopted them when shooting was through”

Evans’ Steve Rogers has become the heart of the MCU”

What about his chest?

I think Triple H/Batista appealed to many long-term fans. It gave closure to the Evolution storyline, especially since Batista just announced his retirement from wrestling.

I thought it was a solid card top to bottom that did a nice job of blending the company’s history with its current roster. While I used to watch regularly, that was more than a decade ago, and I agree that the clip packages did a great job of making me care about some of the feuds and wrestlers I knew little about.

I’m still puzzled by Shane. He looks like an office schlub, yet pulls off these sick bumps and amazing moves. I image he must have grown up training with the company’s wrestlers?

Even if the match went just about as I expected it to go, I had to be there for Kurt Angle’s farewell bout. He’s the wrestler that got me watching WWE in the first place, back when he tried to buy off Undertaker with a motor scooter and was so petrified of the Dead Man that his own pyrotechnics made him jump.

I was there and can confirm (a.) The end of the main event was confusing and muddied an otherwise great match. It looked to me like Rousey won at first. (b.) I was among the many people who bolted for the door at soon as Lynch’s victory was announced. While I would have liked to have stayed for her celebration, I

LOL Thank you.

That still might be the cause of all HELL breaking loose.

Even if it’s not technically a superhero movie, I suspect “Joker” could buck this trend.

I simply point to the Transformers movies.

The Battle of the Captain Marvels

In one sentence, you’ve proven you know Starscream better than Michael Bay ever will.

This looks like it could be a legitimately GREAT film, not just a great superhero movie.

It was beautifully bright and glowing like a comic book mated with TRON: Legacy.

I don’t care what the world says, I loved Batman vs. Superman, so this cut was made for me (not that it’ll ever be released for me to see).