

I have to wonder if Leia wouldn’t have died in Star Wars Episode IX even if Carrie Fisher hadn’t passed away in real life. Not feeling optimistic about Lando’s chances.

Sam: What would you say to a beer, Norm?


I think it’s creepy but not inherently bad, as long as the families of the deceased have signed off. In the end, the audience will determine if there’s a market for it.

I think I’d rather see a cover band. At least they have souls.

Interesting; as I stated elsewhere in these comments, I also have had a negative reaction to the trailers. On one hand, I adored Thor: Ragnarok. On the other hand, I don’t think I cared for what little I saw of Flight of the Conchords, but it’s been so long.

For some reason, even the previews for “What We Do In The Shadows” are intensely grating to me. I can’t figure out why I find them so irritating. Is it that the humor seems forced and the characters patronizingly written, like someone is trying too hard to be funny? Anyone else have this reaction?

I know the Bond films are sometimes shown in TV marathons, but I realized the last time I watched them how badly chopped down they are. For example, in “Octopussy” Bond lands the plane and they completely cut the “Fill ‘er up” scene. Unforgivable!

Oh man, the Bond movies should always be there.

She’ll probably get a fine or community service.

UFO abduction! Cowboys and Aliens crossover!

It was eerily well-planned. The Season 1 finale ended on an ominous note.

She should just get run over by a horse.

I can understand firing Loughlin and writing her out of future episodes, but the viewers JUST CAN’T HANDLE IT! if she appears in episodes already filmed, requiring Hallmark to go through the trouble of awkwardly editing her out? That’s a bit silly.

Peggy Carter? Unsure.


Yeah, Captain Marvel showing up at the end of 10 years of storytelling to fix all the problems the existing heroes can’t is narratively satisfying.

Bohemian Rhapsody 2: Freddie Goes Hawaiian

Your account matches what I’ve read, and I have noticed that many news stories did not make that distinction. However, I was referring to the actual reviews that were deleted after the film was released.