
Rotten Tomatoes plays right into the movie studios’ hands when it starts deleting negative reviews. However, there was NO WAY Captain Marvel generated that many legitimate reviews from people who had seen the movie in such a short time. (I imagine the false reviews were both negative and positive, though. Were both

Because the audience score is sometimes more indicative of how the greater population feels about a movie rather than the critics’ score.

Wait a minute, Fuunko does not make “dolls!” :-D

I saw that Toy Galaxy video, too. :-)

The U.S. Navy did a good job with “The Final Countdown.”

I think most people who were skeptical of Ghostbusters 2016 before they saw it felt that way because it wasn’t THEIR Ghostbusters with the original characters, not because they were specifically female Ghostbusters. And there’s also a resistance to reboots. While there were certainly misogynistic fans, I think that

It’s refreshing that you can get different takes within the Gizmodo world.

(of those who have actually seen the movie)“

I’m just starting to make the rounds of reviews, but I think the Hollywood Reporter review was more negative than this one, or at least about even. But the largest criticism seems to boil down to the movie being a tad bland, which isn’t the worst thing in the world. Lately I put a bit more stock in audience scores (of

My mind’s not made up until I’ve seen the movie. Just discussing the viewpoint presented in this review, and what that would mean. Not sure why you’re being all judgy toward me.

I just wanted it to get a fair review - set apart from politics - and I believe Ignatiy has delivered that.

I have to admit I was surprised when Rey was promoted as groundbreaking for Star Wars. Princess Leia has been taking charge and kicking butt since 1977. Even wearing her controversial gold bikini, she frickin’ strangled Jabba to death.


That’s a great comparison. I hadn’t thought of Carol in the Thor role (outside of her powers) and it totally makes sense.

I’d say the movies have toned down some of the weird writing choices in the comic books, so hopefully not.

With the cat and ‘90s setting, I thought this film screamed fun, at least from the trailers.

Although it would be out of left field, I’d love to see a character like U.S. Agent introduced. Similar powers to Cap, but government-controlled and lacking the high level of morality. Over time, U.S. Agent could grow into a better person like Cap.

Yeah, it’s a GIANT risk losing Captain America, Iron-Man and possibly Thor and Hulk all at that same time. For most of the movie-going public, those characters ARE Marvel. You’re correct in that the odds are stacked even greater against Marvel now than when they first started the MCU. Back then, this was all new and

I thought the idea was that she would basically take on Captain America’s role, but perhaps it will be even more of a balanced ensemble going forward. I think T’Challa should be front and center, although I have to admit I thought he was more compelling in Civil War than he was in his own movie (which was an excellent

I need to go back and watch Thor again; you might be correct in that Hemsworth grew into the role more seamlessly by the first Avengers, to the point that he could even successfully parody himself in Ragnarok.