

You know, great question!

Yeah, I did feel like perhaps Julie and definitely Tom got shortchanged by Hays failing to connect with Julie about the case.

That line did hit home if you have or had a loved one suffering from memory problems. Have you ever heard “I’m Not Gonna Miss You” by Glen Campbell?

I truly don’t think Henry would tell the documentarian this revelation. If anything, he would look into it and just tell his dad and Roland.

I’ll agree that it could have been more balanced. I think I cared the most about Hays and West when they were lonely old men.

My interpretation, as well.

The final scene revealed that Hays has been lost in the jungles of the island from LOST this WHOLE TIME!

I viewed it as Hays eventually disappearing into the nothingness of his fading memories and time, just like him slipping silently into the jungle like he was never there.

I imagine the break-up with his girlfriend happened independently. lol

Ah, the clever comment flip.

My weirdest conspiracy theory this season was that Amelia was somehow involved in the murders.

Yeah, the rest was fine. There’s just always at least one “ugh” moment.

They never married. Last we saw of her, she was trying to get West to commit.

Yeah, I just thought that was a breadcrumb to the audience that Hays and West might learn Julie’s real fate after all.

Interesting, I’ll have to look that up. It’s cool that Nic will answer these questions.

Yeah, and Tom. While I think the ending was more effective for not having everything wrapped up neatly, it would be nice for Roland to receive that positive closure. Wayne, too, although he did at least have it fleetingly.

Thank you for that! Those scenes sound fitting and satisfying. I’m glad they were filmed and hope we do get to see them.

I was thinking that man, the documentary is gonna suck because Elisa didn’t really get far in the interviews with Hays.

So I guess those of us who thought Roland was gay (and having a relationship with Tom) were incorrect. Or at least the show chose not to reveal it, or leave the possibility as subtext. I’m glad Roland found his canine companions, though. That scene with the stray dog was heartwarming.