
I don’t know, was it a family there or just a place to recover and find her footing? I guess they did show photos of her having a life at the convent, so perhaps it was a family to her there, and they did go out of their way to protect her.

I felt like the reference in this review was there just to throw in a buzzword. And that it was used in a blanket way. “Oh look, there are two men having a tense confrontation. It must be toxic masculinity!” Were they expected to hug? I don’t see that being men with destructive notions of masculinity led Hoyt and Hays

I expected to see how she died, but I guess that’s not important. Instead we got that quick scene, set sometime between the ‘90s and 2015, where Wayne dropped by to see a graying Amelia while she was teaching and they shared that sweet smile. That gave us what we needed to know - they repaired their marriage, put the

Barely into the review and already a reference to “toxic masculinity.” *sigh* Here we go one more time...


This is one of the funniest articles posted here in ages. :-D

No, not The Real Ghostbusters!!

Agreed. It also went from a subversive clash between zen and societal norms to a frantic crime caper. Granted, Peter needed to come down to reality to some degree and figure out his future, and I’m not sure how else the movie could have done that. That’s why I’m dying to know what Mike Judge eventually unlocked in his

Mike Judge wasn’t fond of Office Space’s ending and once said, “Coming out of the last test screening I had an epiphany of what the ending should be. A complete rewrite of the third act. You could feel how it should have ended. So that was kind of a bummer.”

Yeah, undoing the cuffs was a DUMB move and I wish that scene had been better written.

Seeing Tom’s lifeless body - even though you knew it was coming - was a tough pill to swallow. And West looked devastated. Also agreed that Woodard was effectively presented as a true tragedy. Even if this season’s mystery ends up falling a little flat, it’s an achievement in memorable characters.

It seems that Nic Pizzolatto was more enamored with the idea of tying this into Season 1.

I think West should have been hurt that Hays even thought that. Yet another sign of their relationship eroding.

I’m still sitting here blown away that the reviewer experienced this scene as racial catharsis rather than the route of the guilt and turmoil Hays has been haunted by all these decades (well, on top of Vietnam). If anything, there was some satisfaction that the guy who seems to have murdered Tom Purcell got what was

I read a review like this as a symptom of the notion that the primary purpose... the mandate... of fiction is “woke” sermonizing (that’s hard not to view as virtual-signalling) with honest storytelling being secondary.

There’s some grim satisfaction in seeing a well-to-do white man, as secure in his position as he is in his skin, being played by a couple of cops just looking for an excuse.”

I’m tempted to test that but I really don’t want to watch that scene again. I thought you heard the cat screeching while Abbi was deep in her hallucination.

The mustache definitely needed to stay. 

Bortus and Klyden are just the worst couple, aren’t they? Bortus is cold and insensitive and Klyden is an awful, passive-aggressive nag. Have they ever been happy? The sad part is they remind me of several real-life married couples I’ve actually known.

Is that why she left the show?