Butch was left in charge. Not only did Butch never like Tony, he was probably disgusted that Tony had Phil killed in front of his family (even though Butch had basically given approval that Phil get whacked).
Butch was left in charge. Not only did Butch never like Tony, he was probably disgusted that Tony had Phil killed in front of his family (even though Butch had basically given approval that Phil get whacked).
Although the cat came for Paulie in the end.
I think you’re correct, as so much of the last season was about Tony being given a shot at redemption and rejecting it.
My first impression was that the cable went out. THAT couldn’t have been what Chase intended.
I remember that. It even helped explain why some viewers (myself included) erroneously believed that the last shot was of Meadow walking through the door, because that’s what we (and Tony) expected to see, and our minds filled in the blank space.
He truly did seem disgusted with the audience (and himself) because people actually enjoyed watching Tony Soprano. To which I say, just be happy you created such a great character that people cared about him no matter what, and give us some damned credit for knowing the difference between fiction and reality!
Chase even kinda lied to Journey when he promised them that “Don’t Stop Believin’” wouldn’t be remembered as the song playing when Tony was killed.
“There’s no definitive answer as to whether or not Tony lives or dies after the audio and video cut out—we’re just meant to feel like he could die at that moment, or any moment.”
I imagine discomfort might be a more common reason than actual safety fears.
I don’t even like taking a dump in front of my wife.
Now, just calling it “shitty” would be vintage A.V. Club. :-D
I’ll grant you that the film wasn’t exceptionally nuanced overall. And I can see how Freddie’s homosexuality could be interpreted as being portrayed a “problem” in the movie. But I think the reality of the situation (both in real life and the film) was that Freddie’s hard-partying ways and the manipulation from…
There seemed to be at least initial repulsion at his love affair with Mary Austin in spite of it being 100% true and perhaps the most important relationship in his life.
“but that doesn’t change the fact that Bohemian Rhapsody, a boilerplate, problematic Queen biopic”
Yet, how often are apologies outright rejected?
What do you want? For him to never work again? Better start up a camp for those banished from society.
I wish I had more confidence in Chibnall. He’s done nothing but support my existing impression that he’s capable of creating okay Doctor Who, but nothing great. Collectively, I thought this season was decent but lacked excitement and originality. I’d like to see Jodie, who’s developed a great portrayal, given more to…
Did Ferrell make the same mistake that Bill Murray made in confusing his Cohens?
Oh God, HUGE difference!
I imagine it would have been much better with Apatow involved.