
I WANTED terribly to like this film, since Ferrell and Reilly are a magic combination. But the trailers gave me the creeping suspicion that this film just isn’t that funny. I’m sure I’ll still endure it when I eventually can do so for free.

I thought perhaps we were going to learn something interesting about The Doctor, which would give her a more personal crisis to solve, after The Remnants mentioned “The Timeless Child” to her in the second episode. But that never came up again.

I don’t think they gave her much of a character arc, or much of a problem to overcome. In fact, she solved most everything quickly with the sonic screwdriver. Hopefully the next series will allow us to get further into the Doctor’s head.

After I finished watching the series finale, I looked back and the series felt like a plateau. I’m not saying every series needs a large mystery or story arc, but the connective tissue in these episodes was slight. In that realm, I most enjoyed Graham and Ryan building/repairing their relationship. Yaz was sadly just

It must be cold outside, since there are so many snowflakes in here! Oh!!!

I was hoping for Yaz to say she learned that from Star Trek.

I will admit that I had a moment where I thought she was winding the frog up.

Oh, the days when Doctor Who had six episodes to explore a story and still mucked it up.

Oh man, if that frog had been wearing a top hat...

I thought of, “Hello my baby, hello my darling, hello my ragtime girl!!”

She is a lot like 10, just a little calmer and with more empathy.

You mind not farting while I’m trying to save the Earth?


Word just got out that there’s no new series in 2019 and the Doctor will be back in 2020. Way to lose momentum. :-/

Yeah, I am disappointed that Modern Family didn’t bring back Shelley Long for at least one more appearance. I suppose they can still do a flashback, at least.

Now that would be a twist.

They better not friggin’ hurt that cat...

I just posted something similar about cats. Totally know where you’re coming from!

I just couldn’t deal with the kittens and I’m done with this show. It’s my weakness when it comes to TV or movies - anything bad happens to a cat and I’m out. It’s too upsetting and takes me back to the very painful moments when I’ve lost some of my own furry friends. I sensed it telegraphed as soon as I saw the

I laughed, because my dirty, turdy mind had already gone there