
I thought your point about the clear voice the viewer hears versus the muffled voice another character hears was an excellent observation. Some compromises have to be made for those of us at home!

That was so damned adorable.

In a way, you kind of showed up to prove my initial point.

I see where you’re coming from, and certainly would prefer to discuss the film on its own merits. This article, however, brought up that ghost in the very first sentence!

The stadium scene was the one moment that lived up to the hope and excitement of Reeve’s films, I thought.

I wanted to love that film so bad. Great cast, and finally another Ghostbusters movie. But it just hung there in mediocrity, not that funny or engaging. As for the controversy, it’s just forever intertwined with this movie, unfortunately. I suspect the misogyny is overblown, though, and a lot of it was typical

Sure, unwarranted accusations of sexism are no big deal.

Conversely, you often can’t honestly criticize Ghostbusters 2016 for being an underwhelming film without being called sexist. The culture war results in unfair insults coming from both directions.


What about BOATS AND HOES?!!!!

It’s like, “Dammit, I am not allowed to like this!”

I look forward to seeing better, faster, stronger Cyborg Rick show up in the movies.

It’s the only film I’eve ever seen on IMAX (outside of like, nature stuff). Totally worth it for the concert scenes.

Maybe it got a Bryan Singer deduction?

Meanwhile, I kept forgetting I wasn’t watching the actual Brian May.

No, nor Highlander, sadly. I was hoping Thomas Jane could appear as Christopher Lambert.

The Darkness

The cat reaction shots were one of my favorite parts of the movie, thank you very much. When you live with cats, they do take over your house and life!

“Hey, I’ve got six minutes!”

Way better than a C+ for me. As a lifelong fan, this was the movie I’ve been waiting for, one that shows Queen as the legends I’ve always known them to be.