
I honestly wonder what has changed with The A.V. Club and other entertainment news sites (io9, Cracked). The abundance of “woke” (fake or not) articles certainly seems calculated to drive clicks. They fan the flames of our divisive culture war, and generate engagement whether readers strongly agree or disagree. To the

All art should be motivational examples that support our current beliefs.

It truly all goes back to praising mediocrity. Every kid gets a trophy! Well, those kids are now internet journalists! :-D

Could the fact that Mulan, you know, takes place over a thousand years ago and not today have anything to do with it?

When you think about it, why the hell should you have to watch commercials on cable TV when you’re already paying for it? Every pay service seems to eventually become greedier and force already paying customers to watch commercials.

It’s not going to matter. He probably really could stroll out onto Fifth Avenue, shoot someone dead, and get away scott free. He’s the Teflon Don.

Look, if Michael Keaton can play Batman....

What a Joker.

Pretty sure Mel is a racist old man, not a goose-stepping Nazi.

I’m fine with hair dye!

Could you at least not curse in your headlines so it appears I’m reading a legitimate news site at work??

You can insist it’s not a reboot, and be totally accurate, but people will still blindly call it a reboot, anyway. I’ve given up on that battle.

Nope, it was the full year! Wah wah.

Ugh. I paid for a subscription (as a gift for my brother, no less, using a Visa gift card) only a couple of weeks before all this started to go down. This is turning into the worst present I’ve ever given him.

It’s like people want corporations to stick it to them, rather than find a way to pay better prices.

So if you have a MoviePass subscription, are you just going to lose out on that money if they go under?

Perfect casting.

Don’t get me wrong, I would have loved to have seen him in an intimate setting. It just wasn’t feasible for me. His full-band concerts will always be my preferred way to see Bruce, though. It’s an arena full of energy and he has full command of the crowd.

“Here I am, the Phantom of New Jersey....”

Somewhere in obscurity, Philip Michael Thomas weeps.