He’s really from a blue collar background, although he doesn’t actually know much about cars.
He’s really from a blue collar background, although he doesn’t actually know much about cars.
As much as I wanted to go to this show, getting to watch it on Netflix is much better than paying the hundreds of dollars it would have cost to purchase any ticket I was able to find. I’ll be happy to go back to spending much less and seeing Bruce’s full arena shows.
I am very pleased to see the kitties in the trailer.
Sounds like the stage adaptation.
The people who had a cow over the woman seen with Freddie in the teaser trailer apparently didn’t know the importance of his friend, Mary Austin, in his life.
I predicted it, too, but I give credit to the filmmakers for using that moment to also put Scott in peril, rather than just have him stare in horror as Wasp crumbled to dust, for example. Even though Scott survived the Snappening, his fate could still be quite horrific.
Just let actors be actors.
This episode threw me right back in time, watching "You Can't Do That On Television!"
I mean, they could have at least tried it for a while
That’s a great point. In that context, you can clearly see what a powerhouse she is.
I absolutely had both reactions. “What an effective way to frame her vulnerability.” And, “WOW!”
Damn, is Betty Gilpin fit.
That post-dinner scene was weird. I though Tammé was either too drunk to drive or diabetic.
I still think the amazing “Warrior” opening credits sequence should be on every episode, but at least they brought it back for the season premiere.
I wonder what the backstory is for this video. Is Mike Judge a Portugal. The Man fan? Or is he just happy to take their money to license Beavis & Butthead?
I miss B&B, but I feel like it would sink in a sea of outrage were it to continue in true form today. I always loved how, as dumb as the boys were, their video commentary managed to be cuttingly brilliant.
Wow, THREE Andy Sambergs???