Bloom County confused me so much when I was a kid.
Bloom County confused me so much when I was a kid.
Signs You Know You’re Old: You see just the headline of this article and expect a Dabney Coleman interview.
That’s probably how John Goodman feels right now.
Maybe the ratings and renewal gave her confidence, and maybe she was insulated from the controversy, but it’s hard to believe that she was oblivious to the fact that another Twitter outburst would push the network over the edge. Whatever the case, she’s now got to live with the animosity and disappointment from…
I’m still blown away by the fact that Roseanne so spectacularly firebombed herself. Did she not realize this would happen when she made such an awful remark on Twitter? It’s like she’s purposefully self-destructive. I think enough people were willing to give her another chance, and allow her to dismiss her previous…
I laughed.
Do they have little construction guys, too?
No matter how ugly this all went down, I’ll always be grateful to this version of Roseanne for righting the wrong of killing off Dan Connor in the finale of the original series.
Yeah, as has been said, I don’t see anyone but Roseanne herself coming back for a renewal elsewhere at this point. I would certainly bet on Fox at least trying to woo Roseanne to star in a new show.
I definitely feel bad for everyone who worked on the show. Sara Gilbert really tried, but unfortunately saddled herself with present-day, even further out-there Roseanne.
Your fire and brimstone burns brilliantly.
Great work, Rosie. I actually enjoyed this new show, felt it was way more balanced, heartfelt and entertaining than given credit for, and looked forward to the next season. But you just couldn’t contain yourself and your dumbass views. It sucks for fans, but ABC was obviously on the fence and you brought this on…
I have to agree with that - it left me wanting a sequel.
The reasons that seem truest to me are that Harrison Ford is a hard act to follow, and that it’s a little harder to get excited about a prequel for characters we already know so well. Very little in this film couldn’t be inferred from what we learned about Han, Lando and Chewie in The Original Trilogy. And I’m saying…
I don’t think it NEEDS to be fixed. I’m enjoying it just fine and it feels like a natural continuation of the original show.
I see the new Thundercats has improved!
Dammit, now I wanna see Patton’s Star Wars movie.
Of course, are Kevin James’ characters as wealthy, successful and confident as the real Kevin James?
This article makes it sound like Nev unsuccessfully and awkwardly hit on her. Is there more to it than that?
That Tweet reads like, “America, F-yeah!”