
True, but it was a pretty memorable new line.

I’m bummed that Michael wasn’t sold on this episode. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it feels like he’s getting burned out on the show. Great points were Bad Ash, who also reminded me a bit of Jason Vorhees; Dana DeLorenzo’s creepy turn and how she successfully threw Pablo off his game; and Ruby’s elevation as a

I sense it’s going to take me awhile to get past Han’s squeaky voice.

“The Deplorables” would be a great name for a TV show.

Becky does seems funnier now. Goranson’s presence has been a real highlight.

I just saw the sink bit as slapstick.

Yeah, I appreciated that they at least referenced Jerry, but forgetting Jackie’s kid seems like a huge oversight. Although the show could throw us a huge curveball and have him be played by Jim Parsons.

I’m wondering if DJ is going to say much at all.

This episode may not have been groundbreaking, but I thought it was funny and irreverent, and reminded me very much of watching the original Roseanne seasons. I also thought Roseanne herself seemed more natural here; her acting seemed a little stilted at points in the premier. This was kind of a bottle episode, with a

I signed up to the Starz app just for Bruce!

I wondered that last season when Ash mentioned his experience in AoD, although perhaps it was vague enough to slip by? I also wondered about it when the clip of the Delta falling to the ground was shown, although I guess they could have used that scene from Evil Dead 2. But maybe the rights finally are settled?

So few comments. Is no one watching this awesome show? I hope and pray that Ash vs. Evil Dead makes it through its planned five seasons (and beyond, if possible).

I hear you, but it’s still an overwhelmingly large amount of Americans.

Well, now I feel like a dummy for saying that.

I’m in the same place as you, and sometimes I feel like I’m seeing elements of The Red Scare resurface. It gets exhausting being in the middle, and fearing the extremes in both directions.

In the second episode, I’ll admit I got choked up at points at the love shown to young Mark. The episode was also really funny. I hope the strength of this show’s message - that family comes first, before politics - continues to dominate, and that this version of Roseanne will prove its value over any moronic stuff

Actually, the Silverman-Nanjiani debate was refreshingly respectful. I think each explained their side well. Just a difference of opinion.

Good points, and Roseanne herself is indeed an embarrassment. However, I can certainly believe Roseanne the character buying into in Trump’s vague notions of jobs and shaking things up. (I’ve heard plenty of people say that.) I can also see her being hypocritical in loving her mixed grandchild but making cracks about

I’m going to have to go back and check now. I thought I saw it in both episodes, but I could be mistaken.

Dan’s boat, Jackie’s kid... there are certainly some stories and characters I hope they revisit. I’m not sure what is now considered part of Rosie’s book.