““I met women who’ve never met an American before in their lives and they had such terrible ideas about us and we became close friends. We were all crying when we left this morning saying goodbye.” — these women clearly have no experience of how a totalitarian system of the NK kind works. Every SINGLE North Korean…
“It was an enormous, enormous triumph,” Steinem told ABC “We feel very celebratory and positive that we have created a voyage across the DMZ in peace and reconciliation that was said to be impossible.”
yes but look at his gorgeous face.....
Yes. Single mom with bad circumstances (Amish - so you can imagine) I called social services and stayed with her through a drawn out, but surprisingly compassionate, police and medical investigation and intervention.
My guess would be that she was in denial about the death of her child and went so deep into shock that she got stuck performing that monotonous motion for hours. (In the vein of “He can’t be dead. See? We’re at the playground. Playing like we always do. Everything’s fine.”)
Rest assured, the L&O:SVU writers are already on the final draft of the script after three rounds of Tragedy MadLibs.
This is dating myself but... when I was 10 years old my mother moved us from Philly to Westwood Ca. (a whole ‘nother story but it was actually a case of custodial interference.) Our neighbor in in the Melrose place looking complex was Barbara Barry. She played Gavin Mcleod’s wife on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show”. She…
I met John Goodman one night in New Orleans. I was outside waiting to get into a concert. He walked by with his date, and I just said Hi to him. He was really cool, and said hey are you going to this show? He told security I was with him. We walked into this VIP area, he said have a good night and disappeared. I had…
Yeah, in the sense that TLC is hypocritical as fuck.
I dunno. As much as I despise her for dating that scumbag, she’s kind of got a fair point...
Mama June sucks, but she ain’t wrong.
Um thanks Pitbull but the court did determine what came about and Chris was convicted.
It really was. We had a lot of moments like that in our relationship where one or both of our sets of parents would say something so out of left field that we’d be just be shocked stupid.
I’ll take your word on that. I’m a mostly het dude (my Kinsey scale slides once in a while) and I find that his obnoxious personality is present in his smarmy face.
You and me both, pal ;)
I dreamed Jennifer Love Hewwit was rude to me and I still resent her for it.