Sherlock Rhodes

"But I have a black friend!"
"Is your black friend Stacey Dash?"

Oh wow. Yes you would have. Anyone who finds ANY reason to hate on Kim or a Kardashian more than once, will find a reason to take an issue with what they are doing or bring what they HAVE done into the mix. So you may not THINK you would, but please. You would have found a reason to make a negative comment about it.

YES. Most of the comments were about Kim even though she's the only one like :| She's quiet, yet people are like "LOL THAT SLUT KIM" Like REALLY? REALLY PEOPLE?

I rarely watch the Kardashians. I will defend them most of the time because people shit on them everywhere. If you were to take a show and accuse a cast member of being what they are on TV, most people would say "But that's just TV. They are probably different in real life", yet even though I have always got the

If they had hired a driver, they would have been chewed a new one for "flaunting their wealth" and someone would go out of their way to make sure we all know that Kim is "a slut". I really hate how much hate they get. It doesn't make any damn sense to me.

What's great to me is Kim hasn't said anything about it. She's keeping her mouth shut. So while Amber is screaming about what a whore Kim is, Kim isn't saying a damn thing.

Basically all of this. Honestly the only time people really talk about Kim is to shame her. When people are like "EWW GROSS KIM!" I like to go "Why?" and they almost always lead with "BCS SHES A SLUT!" Like, what? Why does her sex life have anything to do with you?

So yes. All of what you said.


I am down. I love him.

I honestly think this was fucking smart. This has nothing to do with design, but everything to do with marketing. This doesn't have to be a serious "I DESIGNED THIS SHIRT. BUY IT" but "My name is Kanye Fucking West and I can sell plain white shirts for $120 a piece and people will buy them". I would do it too if I

They did. Remember when PDiddy had that show where he ran people who wanted to be musicians around? There was always at least ONE guy/gal who refused to do the ridiculous things PDiddy asked them to do. Kanye wasn't in it, but if you had mashed up all the interns, it would be Kanye. (I love Kanye so...)

But my ex and I


Ohhh! Thank you! <3

Which one do you have? (I'm genuinely curious as I want one)

Which one do you have? (Genuinely curious.)

I really want one because I need to be shamed into at the very least, hobbleing my fat ass around the block. My hip and back got so bad I've put back on almost ALL the weight I lost. Like, just getting around the grocery store is hard work because of the pain. So I keep hoping with one I'll suck it the fuck up (I have

In all seriousness though, what a stupid ass argument. Who cares? Why won't anyone just leave them alone?

My kid goes to school with a kid named Rusty. I was like "Is that a nick name?" No. "Is your classmate a puppy?" No. "Is your classmate really white?" YES!

That too. I also found that people like my parents were grossly misinformed. My step dad is 64 and qualifies for medicare, but thought that because his job offers insurance they can't afford that he couldn't apply. Like, $400 a month. I kept trying to tell him that he literally couldn't afford it. But he retires in 4

Same. We need a club.

I have a crazy aunt who cyber stalks me and I actually expected to see her actual name on here because she's like some crazy tea bagger leader.

I told my mom what a tea bagging was and now she can't listen to anyone call themselves a tea bagger without cracking up.