Sherlock Rhodes

I don't understand that. It makes me ill.

Where did you get that information? Everything I read said that the molested child was male and not her daughter.

She also looks like Glenn Close.

Once again there is a HUGE difference of understanding some of the problematic things some artists say or do, and actively supporting a known rapist or abuser. And yes, by watching anything they do or have a hand in, you are actively supporting them by putting money in their pockets.

There is separating the art from the artist because they sometimes say and do problematic things, but you understand this and an actively talk about it. But there is also knowing that by watching the art, you are SUPPORTING an artist who is a rapist. I will NOT support Allen, Cosby, Penn and Polanski. And I LOVED the

I saw very few people shame her for her face. Seriously. Mostly it was people very surprised (like myself). The fact that she is trying to say this is "just aging" is beyond me. Just say you had work done because you wanted to change what was going on. Damned if you do, damned if you don't but don't act like we don't

There should have been a full DuJour album. I would have bought the shit out of it like I did the PCD soundtrack.

I actually don't care if celebs photoshop themselves. They market themselves and have images to live up to. Plus it's damned if you do, damned if you don't.

I really love this outfit though.

It was such an intimate scene too. I really loved it and it was very beautiful.

I love the books, but I HAAAAATED the movie. I liked the casting (and it's GREAT that they are friends irl) but it was a terrible "adaptation"

My Faux News watching 64 year old step dad understands white privilege and male privilege. I believe that everyone else can too. They just DON'T WANT TO UNDERSTAND.

She could have gotten SO FIRED. It just really pisses me off that people don't take that into account. Why do retail workers have to beg customers like this? "This is all I can do for you under my job. I will get fired. Please call corporate because they can get you what they need but please don't demand I do things

Jen LITERALLY went out of her way in the first place by going to a warehouse to find her candles in the first place. Plus she was way more helpful than she should have been. Treat me like shit you are going to get the "You can take it up with my boss/corporate". We had people like Angela here and I was lucky my GM was

Angela is the wrongest customer in the history of wrong customers. "Jen" actually points out "Hey if you call corporate they can help you better than I can". Like, she actually left the store to find her candles.

I agree with this. I love her and I can't believe how many people take her music seriously. She's in the entertainment industry and she plays a part. Someone asked me if I would let my (younger at the time) kids listen to Ke$ha and I was like "No because it's not music for children stop being silly." Like people

Wow. I'm sending this list to all my relatives. They will all go "Wow. You really are a dude."

If it makes you so nauseated, why are you still here? And you aren't peeing all over yourself. That's weird. But getting into a public pool (or any pool where a child swims) is full of pee. And it's not getting washed down the drain.

I'm from California and these are things they teach you young to save water. So yeah.

I jumped off a swing and knocked all my brand new grown up teeth almost out of my head. When my teeth finally went belly up (at first) they were really sensitive and cold water was hell so I used warm water. This also had to be done when I was a kid after my accident so it's totally normal for me. Even if they aren't