
Morgoth is obscure?

I am surprised that there is no $90 commemorative Jenga set. Sick sad world

It's interesting and different for a "monster" movie. More low key than action packed.

Lady pixels aren't there for your sick male gaze, cishet scum. Check your privilege, shitlord.

Yeah, I can only think of two characters that resemble Ellen Page, and one of them is actually Ellen Page.

People make this shit more complicated than it has to be.

Destroy All Monsters was one of my very favorite movies as a kid. I watched it over and over and over.

Blackheart was just a pissed off daddys boy. Lame.

Pretty sure that's so unforgettable that it's one of the most overused pop culture references of all time.

Nope, Hackman was awesome.

"Olds are gross."

How about you watch TV your way and let other people watch their way? And then you don't have to be annoyed ant more.

If every action is self-interested, then the concept of self-interest is meaningless.

Is this a drive-by Randing? What on earth does this have to do with objectivism?

Atlas Wanked.

jesus christ you guys lost. give it a fucking rest.