Shoulda issued a content warning for that dumb David Bowie cover W Magazine made her do.
Shoulda issued a content warning for that dumb David Bowie cover W Magazine made her do.
Since Bethesda is involved, the pilot will include tv crashing bugs.
She had 24 leap years. The extra days should put her over the finish line.
2021 wasn’t done with us yet.
Do you even Hawkeye, bro?
Or they’re kicking in some teenager’s door while he’s playing a video game and shooting his dog - based entirely on an “anonymous tip.”
Its been a while, but im pretty sure I got my whole team through the suicide mission on the second try.
Unionization worked so well for Gawker employees.
Anybody else ever feel like the time continuum splintered about 5 years ago, and now we’re trapped in a doomed, offshoot, “pocket universe?”
Hepatitis vector
I don’t even understand what this story was about.
Oh, let’s clutch some fucking pearls. Do you need your fainting couch, William?
‘Paul says if John had to pick between the Beatles and Yoko, he was choosing Yoko. I believe that to be true.’
The Beatles wanted to make a LOTR movie. Didn’t happen.
Jay-Z, the most nominated man of all time, once shot his brother - and used to poison his community with crack.
The Grammys wouldn’t exist if they looked too deeply into artists’ personal transgressions.
A Bridge Too Far.
So, Bowieworld, but without all the Bowie.
Pretend copyright for pretend money! The pretend lawyers are sure to get involved.
Soooo... There were no consequences.