
The Prophecy!

Is this paid content?

Master & Commander was a fantastic movie. Manly men doing manly things. Terrifying action sequences. A hobbit.

I hope Titus Burgess is shaking his head and clucking in disapproving, angry-Queen, disgust about you right now.

...But what exactly were they trying to “cancel”? Did anyone suggest that she should be denied acting roles?”

Are we 100% sure that’s supposed to be Laura Dern?

Did the headline quietly change?

To be fair, Twitter is mostly American NeoNazi propaganda and Russian State disinformation these days.

She was also raised in Puerto Rico, which was a key outpost during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade! Problematic.

When the assholes whine about “Cancel Culture™”, this kind of dumb, reaching, shit gives them legitimacy.

Oh ffs.

Malaria... Snakebite... Tetanus... Some of those little parasitic fish that swim up your urethra and implant their spines into you so they can stay put.

What’s the collective noun for a reunion of Friends™? Are they a herd? Flock?

At no point in this write-up or the promotional material did anyone say, “DWANYE JOHNSON IS ‘ROCK-ING’ THE BOAT THIS SUMMER!”

They should get Kelly Marie Tran - then send her out with the second unit to film her doing anything other than Portaling. 

Mystery box”, you say?

Ha! Classic JJ!

I hope he half-asses it, like he did Star Wars.

I wasn’t a big fan of Hillary’s either, but her policy of “Not Being Donald Trump”  ultimately won me over.