
Dorian’s portrait finally revealed !

It would be nice to have more than two Leia toys to give to my granddaughters...

You folks know that was/is a famous kids book, right? I mean, did you know nothing about it going in? WTF?

What else could top this list?

And then we find out he’s actually a really old pedophile. Which is cool, because reasons.

I think the bigger problem is Stephanie Meyer is the one who wants to try and make this point...when her entire career was built on the creepy stalker boyfriend.

Meyer says that writing this version was “fun, but also really fast and easy.” She totally used search and replace for the names, didn’t she? Why mess with what works?

I can’t wait for James’s inevitable ripoff, Fifty Shades of Beige.

In the immortal words of RIFFTRAX: Twilight Saga: Eclipse, “Work your dark magic, booze...”


Does this look trashy?

He tells people it’s a filter. Really, he just has some specific fetishes.

See unstable systems and thermal runaway.

Kevin Costner gets the last laugh as we all drink our pee on little rafts.

If I have to sit through the umteen bazillionth Internet Samurai vs. Knight debate, I. Will. Burn. You. All.

If I have to sit through the umteen bazillionth Internet Samurai vs. Knight debate, I. Will. Burn. You. All.

^And in some aspects superior to the Moore/O'neal book.

We kinda already have that show.

I don't think people are assuming that all doctors are men. Being a women does not make you immune to implicit biases related to women - these biases can end up effecting treatment even where doctors and nurses do not consciously treat men and women differently. Disparate treatment need not be the result of

From the website: