Welcome to the UK.
Welcome to the UK.
Say "H" as the Japanese would pronounce it (he-chi/e-chi). MAGIC. You're welcome.
Psst, a video is out. It's at the bottom of the article.
They've done the humourous camp Mortal Kombat. If you want that, see Conquest or the movies. This is just another take on the series, that's all. I don't think it's doing a bad job.
I suppose because ninjas were so badass, they never became useless and therefore persisted in this world. They can take a lot of punishment after all and have magic powers.
Can someone translate what this guy is saying? I don't speak "utter madness".
Clearly you didn't watch the whole video because he definitely says there is.
Seems a lot of money to waste on an experiment. It was a bit large on the scale-side, hope it produced worthwhile results beyond "well, that didn't go well".
I feel for you, man. If you got the GO. Another one of Sony's bad decisions.
He's getting the same as everyone else. He should have tighter pursestrings, he has nothing to whine about.
I think that pop. culture icon has received enough bad press in its comics as a symbol for terrorism, nevermind what all these kids are doing running around with it. Need we continue it? :P
This is some scary shit. Reminds me of... what's that movie called. The Lawnmower Man? That movie scared the shit out of me as a child. Freaky bad CGI, odd faces and all that.
English is my first language but I like having subtitles there when I can. I try to enjoy it without but I'm dumb sometimes and miss a word or an odd name or something like that.
You know, a part of me doesn't want to believe this is real and is just a publicity stunt of some sort.
I've got these headphones they're amazing (saw them on Persona 3 and had to have them). They're no longer working though sadly. They gave up on me after the warranty ran out - typical! The repair bills these guys put out aren't cheap either so they've been collecting dust on my shelf ever since. Sad times!
Xenia Onatopp in Goldeneye.
This seems like a legitimately interesting idea. I would definitely give it a read! And I'm not someone who reads often so that must count for something.
It's the time... are you trolling?