
Who the hell is she, anyway?

*Sigh* case in point…

The bummer is that Gamergate, MRA's and just about every other group that champions being a dickwad as free speech is going to be holding this episode as a standard now.

This actually made me want to watch Uncle Grandpa.

I like how you mentioned how Steven has come a long way when Pearl snaps at him. Back in 'Lars and the Cool Kids,' Steven snapped at Lars when the latter called the former's mother dumb. That was the first time we ever really saw a spec of negativity in the kid.

The weird thing is you can kinda tell that the ending was rushed by a season. I got the feeling they were going to spread the story over one more season. It felt that by the time they got to the red room everything had been given an exposition dump while everything up till then had been a methodical clue drop.