
My mom says I’m a catch.

Oh no, it’s totally legal, that’s why the can was covered in tape, the referees replaced the ball and there is an article on Deadspin.

This was what I was thinking. LaRoche seems like one of these young earth, kill the homos, ‘Murica types. He’s friends with the guy from Duck Dynasty for Christ’s sake.

This just seems so odd to me. “There is another potential witness to the accident, and we’re seeking him out for questioning. We cannot release his name, but we can tell you he plays for the Patriots.”

Not sure how he factors in. It said the driver of the truck stayed on scene and is cooperating, so it seems like anyone with direct involvement is already accounted for.

I'm guessing if they can't find him he was probably an eligible lineman.

I liked Love. Guess i’m in the minority.

You need to watch the show, because the truth behind that accident is the crux of the entire season.

This is truly the most jezebel comment to a story I could think of. Considering the same story is being covered on Gizmodo. And I haven’t seen a single comment that even approaches your level of conniption.

I acknowledge that people are incredibly beautiful between 18 and 25. But, I’m not, like, attracted to them anymore. That’s what confuses me. The desire to be with people that young. As I get older, what I’m attracted to is no longer confined exclusively to what they look like. And, I feel like that is basically a

I’m pretty excited about this move for the Pats, although rumors now abound that Amendola’s on his way out to free up more cap space.

This is like a bank asking for a bailout after all their executives mishandled millions in other peoples’ money. Like that would ever happen!

I’d pay that much for head from Tom Brady.

the Florida of the Northeast?
Have you never heard of Rhode Island?

As a lifelong West Coaster who gets to watch a lot of sports in the morning, (with accompanying bloody marys), can be done with NFL football in time to sober up for dinner if necessary, and watch the East Coast feed of Game of Thrones and be in bed by 10, I have three things to say to you: “Neener. Neener. Neener.”

I’ve tried this for years and it doesn’t seem to be going so well.

This really is a great solution for both sides, and I wonder if other players might look at this for their own situations going forward: getting the money up front as a bonus (guaranteed money trumps all in NFL contracts) to allow the cap hit to be spread out and let the team build around them.


The NFL with insane punishments that make no sense...weird that hasn’t ever happened before.