To my knowledge, a chromecast only has the HDMI plug/dongle/port/thing, where as the RaspPi has the 3.5mm jack, so it doesn’t require a television or receiver. If you count the cost of a TV vs. the cost of a cheeap pair of powered speakers or a small amp, you could probably get a wifi-music player with a web interface…
History will call this moment Peak Lifehacker.
Bloggist revealed the secret to sticking it to Cabletown in just ten days!
I had no idea that was true. I understand the functionality of it, but I’m still disgusted. I can’t upload fast enough.
I feel like here is where we can film the movie adaptation of Mirror’s Edge.
Generally speaking, the story should stand on its own legs, despite the quality of the writing. I think the end result of Mr. King's statement is that the first time around, you shouldn't worry about how eloquently its written; the emphase should be on a solid story built on characters you love. This makes sense,…
That's more like it.