
You mean the one that Sherlock continually demeans, sexually harasses and dismiss for just trying to do her job? Yeah, Moffat sure does love women.

The original Sherlock Holmes stories were the framework for the procedural. The procedural wouldn't exist as we know it if it wasn't for the classic texts. To say that "Sherlock" is more faithful by hewing away from that format is like saying the Star Trek reboot is more faithful because it found the original boring

Pointing out the past practices might be considering behaviors of an addict now, or that the trauma Holmes went through would emotionally effect him enough to turn behavior addictive (Elementary is very clear the behavior became destructive after Irene's death) is not changing the character. It's taking things to

But original Sherlock was not a sociopath in the first place.

The books themselves were the original "procedural" though — a series of connected stories with roughly the same format, following roughly the same structure of mystery, reveals, secondary reveals, solution.

No, this season of Sherlock concluded "I'm surrounded by idiots, but I'm still right and they can learn a thing or two for me." Not that the conclusion that "idiots" is wrong in the first place.

No, it doesn't. It criticizes Sherlock for being worse at being a Sherlock Holmes adaptation.

He doesn't have sex scenes. A modern adaptation that calls Sherlock's habitual drug use an addiction isn't "changing the character" it's putting a name to an old vice.