I used to pray every night that God would make me crazy.
Didn’t Tennille recently write a tell-all memoir about how her marriage to Captain was a loveless sham? I would pay to watch that movie.
Yeah. If you just pick up a book or watch a documentary on the history of Metal, odds are that there will be an entire chapter/segment dedicated solely to Black Metal and the church burnings. There were even rumors flying around about a year ago that Ridley Scott’s production company had bought the rights to turn Lords…
Black Metal and Death Metal are two completely different genres.
There actually was a spree of church burnings (and several murders) linked directly to the Black Metal scene in Norway.
White supremacists aren’t an isolated group that only exists in the American south. In fact, Black Metal has always flirted with, in…
No you can’t. Not unless your or your significant other’s surname is Awesome.
And apparently, he has no intellectual curiosity about anything.
No artists and musicians who don’t think the only way to remain relevant is by competing with artists and musicians their children’s age are cool. It’s not really about the nudity.
But, let’s not act like Madonna was always getting “naked in public”. She got naked during the Erotica/Sex book period. Then a few years…
I mean, ‘taking off her clothes’ wasn’t really my point. My point was Madonna is always trying to latch onto whatever is considered hip or subversive in a desperate attempt to remain relevant (Remember when she had an album called MDNA? Get it, like the drug MDMA?) and that’s why people give her shit, not because…
When I was a kid and they announced that Liam Neeson was cast in Star Wars I thought he was the guy from the Naked Gun movies.
What’s funnier than dead baby jokes?
When people say I’m making fun of Madonna because she’s a woman or her age, I just bring up Grace Jones.
I love Grace Jones, who is older than Madonna, and her public persona is way more provocative. Just recently she performed at Afro Punk wearing nothing but some body paint and a hula hoop. The difference is that’s…
My first thought was, “Neither of you can act though.’
No. No. The Worst Witch scene went viral a few years ago and I just happen to watch Roseanne reruns a lot. Well, I start watching when Roseanne starts working at Rodbell’s/Darlene stops being the pre-teen tomboy and becomes the angsty, arty teenager and I stop around the time that they win the lottery.
We can’t have a Tim Curry thread and not mention this gem from The Worst Witch.
Well, it’s not like they could just use the Mouse Ears.
Cyndi Lauper on downers, or Annie Potts in Ghostbusters.
What I find interesting, is it had to be written by someone who love UK reality television. BB UK doesn’t air in the US, and the US version of BB is wildly different.
If you want to watch BB UK here, you have to actively hunt it down online. I have entire folders dedicated to bookmarking steaming and torrent sites and…
As someone who watches both GBBO and BB/CBB (Don’t any of you judge me!) I thought it was really funny. The entire point is what if the trashy contestants that you typically see on bottom of the barrel reality shows are featured on a more respectable program.