Destination alpha Cygnus

Free Hong Kong!

Going to go out on a limb and say that this movie is getting gently “inflated” by critics who very much wanted to like it more they did. I feel a little bad for the lead actress, who was about to get an enormous break only to have the movie more or less relegated to VOD, but I’m seeing a lot of variations on this revie

#BoycottMulan because

It is unfortunate that the actress apparently outed herself as a raging pro-party nationalist.

Ah, ok.

I mean, did anyone had any hope for this one? By now we have enough evidences that life-action remake of Disney properties:

I’m not an expert, but I see 3 big problems

So, it’s a propaganda piece for the Chinese government, then? “Just be loyal and beat the foreigners and you will be rewarded, but also, no fundamental changes to social structure.” How utterly unsurprising.

So did I. This movie is basically propaganda 

Its garbage- youd never hit anything with that technique. Although Hawkeye often has terrible form at least when he aims, he puts the arrow in front of his eye so he knows where its going

Given her public statements, rat out her neighbors to the secret police.

Right after I had my first baby I was rereading a book I’d been fine with before, and had to put it down because a plotline had become too upsetting for me.  It was a definite “oh, there’s really a difference” kind of moment.  

It was a Chinese production that cast a famous white actor so that the movie would get a worldwide release (and, hey, it worked!). The movie was also accused of the white savior trope, except that Matt Damon plays a totally ineffectual and useless character in a movie that was otherwise essentially glorified Chinese

My best friend had a newborn when Handmaid’s Tale (TV show) first came out. I kept telling her to watch it because we both love dystopia and Margaret Atwood. She finally snapped at me that she was having enough issues stressing about her new baby and post-pregnancy recovery that she didn’t need to watch a show where

I’m always interested in new sci fi/fantasy shows, but sadly this one sounds very child endangerment-heavy, and I don’t think I’d be able to handle it.  Parenthood does strange things to brain chemistry.  

I look forward to the article explaining to me that I should inject a slice of American cheese directly into my left ventricle.

this is all absolutely correct and I don’t have much hope that Biden would do any of this because he’s exactly the type of career Democratic politician who would decline to indict Trump in order to “heal the wounds”, but I don’t think Kamala Harris is that way, I think she is aware of the need to impose consequences

Yep. Our country would have been doomed already if Trump was remotely intelligent. The scariest thought is who comes after him. We may get 4-8 years of a Democrat but the next Republican will tear this democracy to shreds.

This haunts me all the time. The next Trump might actually be competent, as well as being cruel and petty.

“However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards