Destination alpha Cygnus

I like that they show how unencumbered she is in her element and that it is a function of having the maids and the stylists handle all the hard stuff that drags people down on a daily basis. Like, I don’t doubt Elon Musk works an 80 hr week. I don’t doubt that he actively works for those 80 hrs. But his 80 hr week is

One of the things I really liked about the show was that, while it was from subtle, they constantly showed the presence of African American workers helping out the Schlafly family while Phyllis kept talking about all the work housewives do and how they should be respected.

I mean, as far as her lasting legacy, I would agree. (Unfortunately.) Phyllis Schlafely is like the human equivalent of dropping the bomb.

Lord almighty did my late mother haaaaaate Phyllis.  Like she referred to her as just that cunt.  Even when she was dying of cancer she was quite pleased to have outlived her.  What a disgraceful human being.

I am not sure if I can actually watch this. It would make my blood boil. 

I both really want to watch this series and also sort of don’t, because I swear to sweet baby Jesus, if they try to make me feel sympathy for Phyllis Schlafley, I’m going to riot.

It seems strange to start a miniseries of the who’s who of the 1970s women’s movement with Phyllis Schlafly

Except it wasn’t a mess from start to finish. It has issues, but it’s a good film overall.

It is a bummer that the cast had to be buffeted around by such stupefying circumstances. Even when I was disappointed by how much TFA was a retread of ANH, the new generation of characters were so good, I remained enthusiastic for the rest of the trilogy. For myself, TLJ actually took advantage of that cast and did

It is an odd choice. Maybe it will be revisited in the final episode? The way he’s sitting at the bottom of the dam doesn’t imply that he fell at all, so it doesn’t feel like it’s exactly of a piece with the various visions Katie had of him falling.

Tonight I watched this episode of Devs and episode 5 of Picard. Alison Pill, you got some ‘splaining to do! LOL.

There are many fine things about this show (first time I’ll be Reich’s “Come Out” has ever been used for underscore, but they ought to have simply forked over for real Roomful of Teeth for the rest), but the show lost me at the Dam. The single best way for Lyndon to prove his theory would have been to walk away, but

For me the most existentially disturbing scene was when he was showing them one second into the future and the terror dawning on them that it was impossible to change to their future.

The reading of “Aubade” was very stirring and drew some very interesting thematic parallels with this episode. I loved it.

I liked how much this episode emphasized that Forrest really is an idiot.

Good, but emotionally wrenching episode: losing Jamie and Lyndon was disturbing, to say the least. My one hope is that somehow Lyndon really does manage to survive via some quirk of Many Worlds.

Take time travel out of this...and you have a very simple murder story. Katie using her cult leader status pushes the boy to climbing over the dam rail. She made it happen. Even worse if she knew it might happen..and pushed the issue to kill him. She’s a monster. So is Forrest.

Getting kind of tired of the characters that order/watch/make people die and then just carry on with their life. And for Katie/Agnes it is twice in two series now

I didn’t think the (many) deaths were the most shocking thing this episode delivers:

Alex Garland does a really great job of taking current technology and creating a compelling near-future. But one thing that irks me about this episode is the massive jump the Devs technology experiences in such a short amount of time.