
Playing devil’s advocate here...but what are you talking about? It literally says in the article that the methodology for proving discrimination is taking names and zip codes. You don’t need to be a data scientist to call BS on that.

How to know when your car is a failure: When the Plymouth/Chrysler Prowler holds a higher resale value than your nine month old model. Normally it’d take three or four years to hit less than half the original MSRP value for a car. Impressive work, FCA. Impressive work.

It’s because all the money they spent on repairs gets added to the value, right?

So much for being automotive “journalists”.

Meanwhile, do you really need to prove your writing incompetence by only coming up with “fucking” as a blurb adjective?

Do you really need to use that sort of language for a blog that teens and children can easily access and read?

or does this fucking blog need a fucking title containing “fucking”

makes the author sound like a fucking fuckwit

If that’s you in the exchange, that was a super dick comment. The guy probably already knows he’s fucked. Why shit on someone for zero reason at all?

Rented one for the drive from San Francisco to Portland to see the solar eclipse. You’re right, it’s way better than I’d imagined. I’d have one.

I have a 2008, its a great car - super underrated.

1984 Dodge Omni GLH, purchased for service as a winter beater. Unexpected spritely performance. Far more entertaining to drive than the Fiero Formula (V6, 5 speed) that I stored during the winter months. Quick ratio steering rack, flickable light weight and adequate power made it especially fun rallying rural dirt

They are great cars for anything that involves roads. I wouldn’t want it on a race course, but on open highway, it’s hard to beat.

Didn’t they use that 3.0 in the compact uhaul toyota trucks? I saw a bunch of those still being rented out a couple years ago where most of the uhaul trucks of its vintage had long since been trashed. Just figured if it could stand up to those wretched renters, it must be decent?

I don’t want kids. I want a car that’s reliable and fun. Those exist, and they’re not Kia Spectras.

How about the dead-reliable Toyota 2zz. High compression, oversquare, and screams past 8000 RPMs.

Excceeeept BMW put out a release saying that their 15k miles needed to be downgraded back down to 10k miles. As in, “oops, I totally fucked that up.” Modern oils can last a really long time, but particles in oil are still particles in oil, and the filters aren’t really made to last that long either. Don’t believe me?

Yes, because Toyota has never made a reliable and performance oriented 6 cylinder engine...

And thus the irony, huh? The irony is that while BMW, VW, Audi, and Mercedes go on and on and on about their wonderful engineering, what that really translates to is that the cars are ( yes I know cliche’) over-engineered with lots of totally unnecessary redundant components and features.

I know Skyline is the topic that you guys always want to lead with, but the couple that together hates peanut butter and chocolate? COME ON.

"Ah, read about this," guy says at the beginning. Left out: "on Foodspin."