
I’m thrilled to discover that the tariffs had their intended effect. A major job creation engine ... for Thailand.

If you look at the spread between the top and the bottom there’s really not much here separating any of the brands.  This metric is fairly useless. 

I would say that survey is horseshit on its face. Do you know a single living American who would genuinely prefer a Chrysler over a Toyota, Honda or Subaru?

Okay, that’s just weird. Jeep is the model of irrational attachment, and it’s near the bottom? 

Feels like high-end hotels charging for wifi when every crappy value hotel includes it free.

Is anyone else surprised that they actually sold 90,000 Titans?

Yeah if A mini can pull 300k pounds of plane, then this is seriously unremarkable. 

Funny enough, my ignorance there probably proves my point...

Practical testing isn’t as marketable. Stunts are. It’s a pretty impressive stunt, especially to the layperson who knows little or nothing about rolling resistance.

You’re right.

We should learn about that strap. That’s the real hero, here.

Tell me about the strap. 

Jesus Christ, are you trying to give Mustangs easier targets?!

According to my teenager,the only car I’m cool enough for is a Mitsubishi iMiev.

Your guarantee isn't worth the time it took you to write out. You should be sent to the greys, trash. 

Oh please dude. Just because you're not having a problem and are a Nintendo slave doesn't other people don't deserve a solution. I don't have the issue either but I can admit there is OBVIOUSLY a problem.

Dust you say?!?!?

Man, you’re so smart, of course not one person out of all the people experiencing this issue have tried to fix it with simple remedies. Or have tried cleaning it after taking it apart.  They’ve all just sat around and complained without researching the problem.

So like many Nintendo problems before it can be solved by blowing on it?

I don't want to alarm you, but there appears to be some sort of muppet in the back of your truck.

“City of Manassas”