
You could be right, I may have forgotten a Gran M Sport Sedan Coupe Dynaride X-Drive Brougham D’Elegance variant or 2.

Thanks to decisions like those, for the first time in my life, i don’t care about BMW at all. I still love the classics, but anything recent is just boring to me. Even the M-cars don’t do much for me anymore. 

If I was CEO of BMW?

You would think when your lineup consists of 397 models, you’d have a healthy selection of EVs. 

At 0:40 engineer Holly Nall says “It’s really important that the car can localize, it still needs to understand its position in the world.” But in fact humans drove for a century, and most of the time drive today, without knowing at all their car’s “position in the world,” or in other words its geodetic coordinates.

As a mexican I’m baffled and horrified of all these answers

Have you never had more tacos than you have hands? The taco holders are to keep your delicious tacos upright while you work your way through them. Or for when you’re driving while eating tacos.

You don’t put your tacos on display? How uncivilized

This is wild, man. Posting images of atrocities committed by your own country back and forth to score political points. “Your side did this one!” “Well your side did this one!” What a fucking country we live in.

I’m actually more paranoid about giving the CC info over the phone. 

Your analogy is idiotic, to say the least. But I’m not surprised that you’d compare people in cages being fed rotten food to someone visiting a concert or drinking too much. That’s the kind of shit that Fox News is spewing on a daily basis.

I remember a proto-meme from back then that simply said:

Out of curiosity, where did you find that “Built by Trump in 2017" graphic? It would be useful to know where this kind of disinformation is getting published and how it’s spreading online.

Every one of the sites who has that image on their website is a tin foil, right wing looney toon...Breitbart...LOL

The second to last paragraph in my article addresses your argument.

I’d still be pissed off about what’s happening to the U.S. right now, even if I didn’t write online for a living. I realize that this is all a game to people who think that if you turn off the TV it goes away.

The campaign tried to use real supporters but didn’t have the budget to remove all of the third reich themed sleeve tattoos.

So they are using crisis actors.  How interesting. 

Can’t wait to put my old TS2 DVD on Ebay as the "uncensored edition"

Boner jokes are okay as long as they are done with characters voiced by convicted drug dealers who got rat out their friends