I’m very excited for the day when our generation is spending six figures on, like, a “third off the line” Honda Prelude SH at auction.
I’m very excited for the day when our generation is spending six figures on, like, a “third off the line” Honda Prelude SH at auction.
Check is in the mail Alex. Thanks again.
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that vacuum cleaner grill is beyond ugly. I’m 30 years old. How about only put a grill that matches what the car needs for air intake, these fake grills are stupid.
Those nondescript Lexus 4 doors exemplify dull - but with a hideous grille to spice it up. :p
Or—now hear me out, here—looks are subjective and the spindle grille is by absolutely no means an exception to this rule?
bUt CoRpOrAtE bRaNd IdEnTiTy!1!!!
If I were the head of Lexus, I’ll install software to automatically move the car out of left lane in steady cruise, to automatically use pull out on two-lane back country roads. The negative image from all those Lexus-driving assholes have already ruined the brand.
The worst part about it is that he worked so hard to get it herself
I think movie product placement directly works in very small amounts but am not convinced they’re aiming in the right direction for Lexus. Lexus is slowly becoming the Buick of cars... When I hear Lexus, I think one of two things: A newish one driven by 45+ year old people... or an older one, in bad cosmetic…
It’s pretty ironic to hear Lutz talk about Tesla potentially going bankrupt when he was one of the highest people on the totem pole at GM when they went bankrupt and were subsequently bailed out by the US government.
Considering what they’ve shown so far and their past performance, I don’t think Tesla has anything to be worried about, probably not for another 10 years, or whenever the bean counters finally take over.
Labrador retrievers?
Finally a new sub culture has risen to the top of my hate ranking.
forbidden to have any contact with his passenger, the 17-year-old girl
The guy clearly made an awful mistake, and will pay a heavy price. I get that. But I do think there is a measure here of disproportionate sentencing.
I don’t expect this to rise to new Supra speculation levels.
I have no knowledge about this specific issue. That which I can say is that trashing Huffington Post from my bookmarks (alas, post-election) was seminal in preserving my sanity.