Bill Semi Liar

If you use a phrase like "dictatorship of the politically correct", then you are more likely relegating yourself to a group that unnecesarily expands the proportion of something and draws unwanted attention to it, as the same ones who are to blame for inciting others into thinking there is a "dictatorship of the

I admire his work, and the thing is that everyone no matter the age or background, exagerates things these days. It's the technology and social change phenomena that looks like there is a magnifying glass attached to everything said or done. His views doesn't sound extremist, just understandable, and that's fine.

It'd be interesting to see Laura Palmer in this.

Allison Janey as well.

Its time to watch all of his movies again. And I watch Willy Wonka on a yearly schedule. I didn't know he survived cancer, wow. A star is relocated to a better position in the universe.

The more the merrier.

I expected Hortense storyline was over by "The Duel", with her going to live happily ever after. They must bring in a new Hortense, even if it is an estranged cousin whose name is also Hortense.

Glad to hear that. Another round of laughter!

The soundtrack alone is worth it.

Maybe you've just been watching Punch-drunk Love in a loop all this time.

But if he goes away, will he appear again if I say his name three times in front of a mirror?

That voice.

Even I could recognize that.

No, I for one, still prefer the NMH ones. There's something in Mangum's voice that makes it weird and sad/conflicted with ectasy. There are too many horns at the same time. Good variants, though.

Kid are growing fast, there won't be the same sense of wonder anymore. Give the cast and the creators something different to do, like another anthology.

Get a bidet!

It'd be great if he made a movie about Community, the show; even if it doesn't have the whole cast. Half parody/half autobiography, in the style of Documentary Now!.

More appreciation for BvS? Is that a good thing?

It's a good thing I hadn't heard most of this. JUST, indeed.

On the contrary, this fanboyism to every Marvel movie being 100 % perfect is as despicable as the one from DC. Even Jos Whedon said that it was some sort of burden to make AoU. They are doing fine and I enjoy it; but let's not try to hyperbole here.