Bill Semi Liar

It's not that grave, but skimming through most of the comments make me realize that the majority of western civilizations are bound to have some song related to the religion of most influence in said civilization. Therefore, more lists with less irking titles should come.

Good. In the same way I like Odin's wisdom, Buddha's patience or Theseus's Persistence. I like Jesus's nature of forgiveness.

Well, he comes with the SWORD. The title is wrong, but because it has that figure, and not all the songs refer to him exclusively. It should be something like "Pro-Religious" or even "Pro-Biblical."
The point of the songs is mainly to reference those themes, not to convert you. Unless you want them to.

The one praising the "Prequels" takes the cake for me.

This. They are religuous songs (most of them); not necessarily preaching or shoving the psalms into you. I appreciate the references and tone. Like my favourite ones from Metallica where you can guess the writer has some background religious upbringing.

If he's so awesome, how come he's dead? HOW COME??? =(

Yes, wording is the thing. I should be "22 songs that are great despite being pro-Christian religion". See, even for a non believer like me, some Jesus teachings can be useful, as much as some other figures from other religions (or myths). The problem is that people fail to consider this, making it all about religion.

They should make another list consisting of those films that aren't here or in the best section.

In that Photo of Rogue One, Felicity Jones looks exactly like Keri Russell.

Peter File.

It reminded me of the scene with Antonio Banderas in Desperado.

Does the reviewer realize he's the only one on the other pole of his "polarizing" theme? He liked the Cavewoman scene but uttelry despises the Hotel Limbo.

That's how I expect a gunshot to someone in The Walking Dead would play.

Or if he's Mr. White, the Ozymandias.

So the hero in this universe´s Watchmen is a man in a bat suit!

The one in the "Dark Knight Rises" counts as one. Right? I just come here to read your riddles.

Even the title is different in "The son of Rambow".

"A Rambo for all seasons"

Ha! They changed that movie about girls to "Girlhood".

I will not defend him or his awful mistakes, but let's give credit were credit is due. He is HIGHLIGHTING the importance and capacity of this era's audience. The whole article is a refletion on that. He praises some of the best written shows ever; JUSTIFIED and BREAKING BAD. That and the fact that he humbles himself