Bill Semi Liar

Yeah, Matt and Kevin joining forces to stop the bombing of the bridge with some sort of consequence.

Can a pigeon carry on coconuts too?

Don't forget pogs… they're always back in that form.

Yeah, that makes most sense. As other big smiling characters pointed out: It's about sending a message; it will be thwarted in a great way, hopefully.

I stopped watching the show. Until Negan kills someone of importance, if that doesn't happen I'm quitting. I'm still reading the comics hoping it will get to the point of "World wa z" the book, with all the new ways of living after that incident with the walkers. The thing is, I don't defend the comics anymore, they

But James Franco and Shia L.

I read that as Donald Glover. It could work any way.

Phew, I don't go to Reddit. But I was thinking of the singing contest episode. Hope I'm not the only one, not in the "worst" sense but just average.

Or that everything in the universe is chaos and randomness. The pregnant girl just survived because of a lucky strike … or not; her baby might have survived and be raised by her if she had her own "tribe" protecting or getting food. In the sense of Patty's quote "our cave collapsed" and "not all miracles are

I read in a …uff… book: "You are not so smart", that, at the moment of death the brain doesn't know what reality present to you, so it makes up some kalidoscope collage based on your personal belief, background, etc. The same was tested on jet pilots on those exercises where they receive the minimun amount or even

Ha! Full throttle! that's a reference, right?

Strangely, when I saw the room and the tv, it wasn't Lost the first thing i could come up with but White Bear from Black Mirror.

How would have promoted a show like The Leftovers? mmm…

Birdperson!!! No!!!!!!!! Sorry. This just reminded me of one of the most tragic deaths of this year.

I'm the one who fathered you!

As long as it doesn't include a father dying in a tornado for a dog, or a neck- snapping scene, it'll be fine. also a good story. Story is the king, always has, always will be.

I read somewhere, probably here, that they eat each other inside the womb. the most powerful of them eats the others. Can anyone corroborate this?

Your last example of movie though… It does not announce good things for the new movie.
Hopefully the AVClub makes up for these articles defending the prequels with an extensive analysis of Tartakovsky's Clone Wars.

Like Warcraft.
