Bill Semi Liar

What about the pharaoh from "Night at the museum"?

Qheazlocatl just smirks and ruffles his feathers.

No. I meant the Catalunya Independence through a civiliziced process. On the surface at least.

I always explain this with that cartoon of Itchy and Scratchy, the one where they keep getting bigger and more destructive guns, to the level of getting outside the planet and eveything explodes.

Sadly. that's true. It would be equally horrific to live in a world were Atheism was some sort of Evil Empire that would not allow any religious manifestation or any belief to take place. The correct course is always BAN EXTREMISTS, and educate just for the sake of it, with no hidden agenda. that's how I see it.

We had our own in 1996, the A.M.I.A in Argentina.

Most people won't pay attention until it happens in their city. I mean both types, the one with this magnitude of tragedy; and the REAL attention to the TRUE minds behind and the cause/effect of this.

As well as other politics gibberish and fanatics, racists, etc. in countries all around the world. Don't want to sound paranoid, but that is the not-yet happenig consequences of this. Damn those REAL origins of this!!!

Exactly. The same is happening with Spain right now. There is always a diplomatic solution.

No, I just watched the news and we disscussed this with my family. Religius fear and all that stuff.

Yeah, same here, I prefer them watching a soccer match right now, or anything else to keep loved ones distracted.

My knee-jerk reaction is to talk and ask friends and relatives about money savings, food storage, etc. It's really frightening to even touch this topic in real life…

I don't know what to say. Heard recently. In other places. just want to hear: "it's over".

That was the prequel, the sequel was Finding Neverland.

or Pazuzu!!! (hopefully the one showed rescuing Prof. Farnsworth).

And the voice of Sonia Walger through the phone.

As it happened to most minor mysteries in Lost, they are being revealed. I wouldn't count on that cutting some slack on the Lost hate. Lindelof is over it, he's moved on. I think that's why the new intro song says: "I think i'll just let the mystery be".

Or Azrael's.

Her bitchiness is showing just now beacuse recently somebody else is trying to blame her for the departure of her own family and the three girls. I laughed bursting along with her when that Azrael thing was mentioned, but then she started to cry…

It was great! Sonia Walger! And a lot of callback to the man behind the curtain, at the end. I was expecting Ghost Patty to conceive from the deadland a note saying "Help me" for Nora. Even people who didn't like "Lost" have to recognie Lindelof strenghts.