
Pretty much why I’m not hyped for it and wish people would calm down a bit on it. It’s going to be great for the first few hours but it’s quickly going to turn repetitive. I don’t care how big space is, how many planets you can visit, it’s all the same and without any clear objective, that exploration is going to

No Man’s Sky is going to be that game I buy at launch, play for 15 hours and then never touch again.

The fact that videos like this even need to exist just proves the fact that most people don’t even put a single thought into the game, they just play mindlessly.
Just yesterday i had a guy in my ranked game that was complaining about lag and blaming his deaths on it, 5minutes later he said something like “i turned off

Got a cassette tape of a guy having an extra loud bowel movement when I was playing last night. 10/10, Thanks Kojima!

well we all knew this was gonna happen.

I feel like this is genuine emotional abuse. Sorry dude, that sucks.

The single greatest thing to every happen to a brand - for it to become a verb or a noun in everyday parlance - is something they should embrace. Sound likes a few brand-nazi’s are out to change the world again ;)

Quite simply: choices. Some external monitors may not have one or the other.

We are a very proud family.

This is the real game we should be mourning.

They’ll just take the Eva design off the train! And use the train per usual, like they also do with wrapped airplanes and whatnot.

That’s, like, really stupid.

I wouldn’t know. After 6 games I have yet to score a goal. Still having fun though!

yep ! With the increase speed/response, Geralt is definitely the Techno Viking reincarnation :-)

I mean, honestly. What did they the squatters was going to happen? You make all efforts to appear official to grow quickly, and then what? This was inevitable.

Haha, yes, absolutely. I’ve always wanted to be a good artist, but unless I’m looking directly at something, I can’t draw it. I can’t picture it. I can’t even picture people like my wife or other family members with any kind of accuracy. I have a vague “feeling” or “placeholder” for them, but no concrete picture. It’s