
I doubt it’s anything as complicated as toggling off or on collision layers. It looks to me like it’s just a matter of cancelling the trampoline animation at a point where the character’s pivot bone is below the ground (see Lucas at 1:09).

I’m a software developer! .... But all I can do is speculate just as you were doing.

From what I can tell, when you “bounce” on Pac’s trampoline, it causes your character to literally move down a frame (or few) before jumping upward, as if your character needs the physics momentum to make the leap. Removing the trampoline while the enemy is in those frames of moving downward below a surface-level

He identifies as an angel, duh.

Dude, no. The show actually taught a pretty good lesson to kids: The things that go bump in the night aren’t supernatural bullshit, but people with agendas who can be exposed via the thorough gathering of evidence and/or hijinks. Their are no ghosts and no monsters, just the application of science, technology and

I would sure as hell hope it runs better. I know a little reworking is needed to get 360 games to run on the X1, but the X1 is a bit more powerful then the 360.

I honestly liked having the CHOICE to not use them. the feeling of picking one up and then tossing it aside was magnificent. now it’s by design and the choice has been taken out of it. while I agree the gunless experience was incredible, it was enhanced because I COULD have used guns but chose not to..

That’s pretty damn anemic considering they have basically no third party support. Nintendo has always been one of my favorite companies and I will always buy their games, but this E3 was one of their most disappointing.

Well fortunately enough they kinda done nothing else after this

There’s still a long ways to go before we get “realistic food” rendered on a common video game console, but this is by far the best-looking attempt anyone has ever made to this day.

Whaaaaat? It’s some of the best - if not the best - looking videogame food.

Here’s Fury Road adapted to a more modern audience.

I have neck pains and sleep on my stomach, which I know I’m not supposed to (and this graphic reinforces). How does one manage to correct their sleeping position? I’ve slept on my stomach for as long as I can remember and seemingly can’t fall asleep in any other position.

It happened because at the start of a match (even if nobody did anything), there is some paint from both teams on the walls in places (it’s random which colors are where). It’s in there to prevent win-trading.

Also this guy, up until plot twist:

Right, because then we could also count Megamind.

While I’m sure this isn’t what he wanted, and I don’t think the publisher should be doing this without the developers consent if the developer isn’t defunct, I do think he’s misinterpreting it.

I’ve often viewed the random flash sale as a way to potentially reineject life into a title, to get people playing it again.