
For me, these sort of “skills” aren’t appealing because they are essential using parts of the game in ways that were never intended. I’m sure none of the MK8 team explicitly wanted people to use drift boosts like this, and it changes the entire environment of the game. Some people pick up the Mario Kart series because

“Does have graphics of some sort”

I was completely unproductive yesterday and now here I am on lifehacker to become more productive which can sometimes become a vicious cycle for me.

[insert disapproving sigh here]

I don't know why so many games shake the screen when action happens. I watched the video and it looks great, but whenever the character hits an enemy everything shakes. It's hard (for me) to keep up with, and I feel like it doesn't contribute anything IMHO. I don't know, maybe I'm just old and fragile.

I swear you'd think that some of these indie games are made by the same devs.

There is literally no scenario where you're 40 minutes from breathable air. Air is breathable at 20,000 feet, otherwise the top of Kilimanjaro that I visited last year would have been littered with corpses. That would have made for an exciting climb but it was not the case.

But why do they put the same pin on the bag like 10 times? I could see them using a bunch of different pins from the same anime or something, but it’s just the same 3 pins, all over the bag.

These are weird, sure, but part of me is more interested in games that were changed for no clear reason. For instance:

Yes there is because everything in computing boils down to base 2. Another thing that the metric system is incapable of doing well. 2^10 is a close and handy approximation to 1000 which comes out to 1024. 2^20 is a megabyte, and 2^30 a gigabyte. Those also don't come out to round numbers in base 10.

Except there is a debate because of the binary nature of computers. When we talk of the current generation of 4K TVs we are talking about 4096 pixel resolution, not 4000.

Not a big fan of the newer styles. :( To me, I feel they lack the charm & personality of the earlier iterations.

And yet the cigarettes are flat textures on the table surface...


It's revealed that Tifa knew who Cloud was all along, but didn't say anything for majority of the game, Cloud has amnesia(!) and Sephiroth is something something. And there's skiing in there somewhere. I'm reading that Zack (whose identity that Cloud assumed) was involved with Aerith? I don't remember any of that.

The BBB is such a fucking scam. You can literally buy your way to ratings. There have been various stories on it, which you can google.