
Someone needs to walk up to this dude in a chicken outfit and challenge him to a fight.

YMMV. I'm the opposite. Cash in my wallet isn't real. If it isn't more than $50, I'm probably not going to go out of my way to put it back into the bank. If I'm not putting it back into the bill pot, then it isn't real for me.

How about this character for DLC.

I'm normally pretty forgiving with typos (those in glass houses, etc). But man, if I were Square Enix, there'd be only four words I'd make DAMN sure I spelled correctly.

Your dedication to using the term Aileron Roll.

I think I liked it most for the fact that it's basically the first three episodes of the original series.

It's so very quotable too. I enjoyed it, as cheesy as it was.

Allow me to fix that for you:

Capitalism collapses, leaving everyone with machines that can create anything they could possibly desire, including all the bits needed to create more of those machines. Y'know what? I am cool with that.

Evil Resting Bitch Face describes me from wake up to lunch on a daily basis.

Elite Dangerous does have a big enough "world" where adding very rare "Anomalies" would add a sense of mystery to the game. Like you see in the GTA games. The developers should really look into this.

Ah, so it's just some ass trying to profit off something that he had nothing to do with!

Let me tell you about this Nigerian Prince I once knew.....

No scam is about right, because there's no way that it's even the guy who made it, that's behind the scam. I remember seeing his page or site or whatever when I was looking for the game a while back. He made it as a project just for his own fun, released for free as most rpg maker games are, and then disappeared off

Mystic Quest Remastered (which is what this was originally called) came out a long time ago. There were even streams of it on twitch talking about how awful it was. Now the guy's just trying to make a quick buck off of his garbage game like the rest of the RPGMaker games out there except this one is especially awful

"Can I join? What's a quake?"

That isn't snacking, that's making an effort to make something. Snacks have to be readily available.